by villhouse | Jan 5, 2020 | EVENTS, Lunch Specials, Specials, Uncategorized
Now that the kids are headed back to school, let us help make your week easier. Kids Eat Free Monday—Friday *12 and under only. *Dine in only *Limit two children’s meals per adult meal purchased.
by villhouse | Jan 3, 2020 | EVENTS, Lunch Specials, NEWS, OTHER, Specials, Uncategorized
We are working on making sure our specials are always visible on our website, but until then, want to make sure you don’t miss your favorites! Friday – Broccoli Soup with BLT and chips Friday Night – In addition to our Polish Sausage and Kraut...
by villhouse | Nov 14, 2019 | EVENTS, Lunch Specials, Uncategorized
Have you been craving cabbage rolls? You’re in luck! Today we have cabbage rolls served with mashed potatoes and green beans for $7.75 as long as they last.
by villhouse | Oct 31, 2019 | Uncategorized
Happy Halloween! Lacie doesn’t get trick-or treaters at her house so she is excited to see everyone’s costumes at the Village. Your favorite Village folks will be dressed up – stop in and see if we have a trick or treat with your name on it!
by villhouse | Oct 31, 2019 | Uncategorized
LASAGNA SOUP IS BACK! Which of our special soups is your favorite? Broccoli Cheddar, Creamy Potato, Tomato Florentine, or Tomato Basil? Vote for your favorite and you may just win a free bowl!
by villhouse | Jul 30, 2019 | Monthly Specials, NEWS, Specials, Uncategorized
On July 28, the Phillips family lost everything in a devastating fire. Many of our employees know the family and wanted to help. We’re conducting a raffle with tickets $1 each or $10 for 15 with the winner of a $50 Village Family Restaurant gift card being drawn on...