The Rueben Burger is Back

The Rueben Burger is Back

The Village Family Restaurant is happy to announce the return of the Rueben Burger for our monthly special.  1/2 pound burger with thousand island dressing, Swiss cheese, and sauerkraut on rye with one side.  We also have Tomato Basil soup all month long.  We hope to...
Hearth Warming Holidays

Hearth Warming Holidays

Today is the last day for Hearth Warming Holidays. Come to Waynesville for Holiday for great decorating and unique gift giving ideas. Its also a Double Stamp weekend for your Holiday Passport. We are offering our popular Cabbage Roll Dinners, Tomato Basil Soup and a...
Trick or Treat!!

Trick or Treat!!

Its almost trick or treat time!  Don’t forget that the shops on Main Street will be handing out candy from 5p-7p on Saturday October 28th.  Make sure you stop in to see us as we will also be handing out candy and we really want to see some cool costumes!  This...
Happy Halloween! Tonight is beggar’s night in Waynesville. Remember to bring your trick or treater in for candy!

What Is That!!

We are getting ready for Halloween at The Village Family Restaurant and you are going to love our preparations.  Come on in for a spooky treat and try our mystery bread pudding.  What kind is it? We don’t know! Are you brave enough to find out?  We will also be...