by villhouse | Mar 7, 2022 | NEWS, OTHER, Uncategorized
Friends – You may recall that there was a ballot issue right before Covid changed the way my business and seemingly every other business in America operated. It passed. Then COVID happened. Several of you asked “Where’s the beer? I voted for...
by villhouse | Feb 14, 2022 | Lunch Specials, NEWS, OTHER, Specials, Uncategorized
Monday Lunch: Turkey Hot Shot Monday Dinner: Fried Catfish or Country Fried Steak Tuesday Lunch: Meatloaf Tuesday Dinner: Liver & Onions Wednesday Lunch: Polish Sausage & Kraut Wednesday Dinner: Meatloaf or All You Can Eat Pollock Thursday Lunch: Pot Roast...
by villhouse | Jan 24, 2022 | Lunch Specials, NEWS, OTHER, Specials, Uncategorized
It’s another great week for specials at Village. Monday Lunch: Fish & Chips, Cole Slaw, Hush Puppies Monday Dinner: Fried Catfish or Country Fried Steak Tuesday Lunch: Fried Ham Steak, Fried Potatoes, Baked Beans and Biscuit Tuesday Dinner: Liver &...
by villhouse | Jan 9, 2022 | EVENTS, Lunch Specials, Monthly Specials, NEWS, OTHER, Specials, Uncategorized
This will be another great week to warm up at Village and enjoy some great specials! Monday Lunch: Turkey Hot Shot with stuffing and mashed potatoes Monday Dinner: Fried Catfish or Country Fried Steak Tuesday Lunch: Meatloaf with scalloped potatoes and green beans...
by villhouse | Dec 16, 2021 | EVENTS, NEWS, OTHER, Specials, Uncategorized
Thank you for your support throughout the year! We look forward to many good times together in 2022. For now, we will be closing early a few days to celebrate the holidays with those we love most. Tuesday, December 21 – Closing at 4 pm Friday, December 24...
by villhouse | Dec 8, 2021 | Lunch Specials, NEWS, OTHER, Specials, Uncategorized
It’s another great week for specials at Village! Today’s lunch special is polish sausage and kraut with mashed potatoes and homemade bread Tonight’s dinner specials are meatloaf or All You Can Eat fried Pollock Thursday Lunch:...